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Photo of Gerrit Dirkmaat

Gerrit Dirkmaat

Associate Professor
Church History and Doctrine

316N JSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Gerrit Dirkmaat is an associate professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University. He received his PhD from the University of Colorado in 2010, where he studied nineteenth-century American expansionism and foreign relations. His dissertation was titled “Enemies Foreign and Domestic: US Relations with Mormons in the US Empire in North America, 1844–1854.” He worked as a historian and writer for the Church History Department from 2010 to 2014 with the Joseph Smith Papers Project and served as a volume editor/historian for Documents Volume 1: 1828-1831, Documents Volume 3: 1833-1834, Documents Volume 8: 1841 and Administrative Records, Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846. He is the coauthor, along with Michael Hubbard MacKay, of the award-winning book From Darkness unto Light: Joseph Smith’s Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon, published by the BYU Religious Studies Center and Deseret Book in 2015. In 2023, they published another book on the topic: Let's Talk About the Translation of the Book of Mormon. It discussed many of the questions people have about the translation process. He is also one of the historians that published the first volume of the Brigham Young Journals, published by BYU Press in 2023. In addition to books, Gerrit is also the author of dozens of academic articles. In 2015 he published a groundbreaking analysis of the differences between the originally recorded versions of Utah-era sermons of Brigham Young and other Church leaders and those later published in the Journal of Discourses. This article, “The Prophets Have Spoken, But What Did They Say?: Examining the Differences Between George D. Watt’s Original Shorthand Notes and the Sermons Published in the Journal of Discourses,” won the 2016 Article of Excellence Award from the Mormon History Association. Before his work at the Church History Department, he served as the senior assistant editor of Diplomatic History from 2003 to 2009. He currently serves as the editor of the academic journal Latter-day Saint Historical Studies published by the Ensign Peak Foundation. Since 2021 he has hosted and produced a weekly Church history podcast: Standard of Truth. It examines Church history questions and sources. He and his wife, Angela, have four children.

Research Interests

Joseph Smith, Early Latter-day Saint history, the publication and translation of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith's martyrdom, the Council of Fifty, Expulsion of Latter-day Saints from the United States, Utah History, Brigham Young, Federal Relations with Latter-day Saints, Early antagonism to Latter-day Saints, Plural Marriage

Teaching Interests

19th Century Latter-day Saint Church History, Foundations of the Restoration, Doctrine & Covenants, Joseph Smith, American history.

Honors and Awards

  • The Religious Education Outstanding Citizenship Award, Religious Education (2021 - 2021)
  • Best Documentary History, John Whitmer Historical Society (2020 - 2020)
  • Article of Excellence, Mormon History Association (2016 - 2016)
  • Best Book, John Whitmer Historical Society (2015 - 2015)
  • Best Documentary Editing Publication, Mormon History Association (2014 - 2014)


  • Editor of Mormon Historical Studies (2016 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Other, Standard of Truth Podcast (2021 - Present)
  • Board Member, Religious Studies Center (2021 - Present)
  • Board Member, Brigham Young Center (2017 - Present)
  • Board Member, Ensign Peak Foundation (Formerly Mormon Historic Sites Foundation) (2016 - Present)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, Latter-day Saint Historical Studies (Formerly Mormon Historical Studies) Journal (2016 - Present)

Courses Taught


Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Brent M. Rogers Gerrit J. Dirkmaat Andrew H. Hedges Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Brent Rogers Andrew Hedges Gerrit J Dirkmaat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit Dirkmaat Kai G Dirkmaat Gerrit Dirkmaat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Andrew Christopher Reed Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Brent Rogers Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Andrew Horace Hedges Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Anthony R Sweat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Anthony R Sweat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Rachel Cope Gerrit J Dirkmaat Andrew Horace Hedges Gerrit J Dirkmaat LaJean Carruth Gerrit J Dirkmaat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Michael Hubbard MacKay Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Brent M Rogers Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Gerrit J Dirkmaat Kenneth Lowell Alford Gerrit J Dirkmaat


Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Andrew Reed Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Andrew Christopher Reed Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Anthony R Sweat Michael Hubbard MacKay Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit J Dirkmaat
Gerrit Dirkmaat