Lorraine Indermill (Quillon) Skip to main content
Photo of Lorraine Indermill Quillon

Lorraine Indermill (Quillon)

Secretary to Assistant Dean 1973–1975
Religious Education

The preparation of the Topical Guide was my main responsibility [as a full-time employee]. What a joy to fulfill one of the mandates in my patriarchal blessing to devote my time and talents and energies to learning the Gospel!

As the project moved to the point where it was time to involve the Cambridge Press in the preparations to print, an overwhelming impression seemed to settle on me. I needed to pray earnestly that someone in England would recognize the significance of the materials that were being presented to him. That became at least a daily experience, and maybe sometimes multiple times a day.

When the story of the scripture project was later written, my heart rejoiced to see the larger view of what so many of us had been laboring to complete. And there was one Englishman who seemed to stand out in that recital. Although the comment was made by one of his compatriots that “he had an immense regard for the Latter-day Saints (though I think you would never have converted him in a hundred years!),” I have my optimistic suspicions.

Heavenly Father has richly blessed my life even before my 1964 baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but almost incomprehensibly in the years since then. One of my choicest opportunities was working side by side with noble individuals who had been brought together to produce the LDS Scriptures (specifically for me, the Topical Guide). How grateful I am for the opportunity to have contributed to something that may bless generations yet unborn.

Lorraine Indermill (Quillon)