Religious Education MA Skip to main content

Religious Education MA

The Religious Education MA program is designed to provide advanced preparation for teaching in the Seminaries and Institutes System (S&I) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The program is open to full-time teachers in the S&I system, part-time teachers who are volunteers, as well as those who have neither full-time nor part-time status but have an interest in teaching in the S&I system. Graduation with an MA in Religious Education does not guarantee full-time employment with S&I.

The core curriculum focuses on the Standard Works, but also includes study of Latter-day Saint history and practice, biblical languages, world religions, and pedagogy.

Religious Education admits students to the program every other academic year. Course work begins in the spring term of even years. The program is designed to be completed in three years (two for course work and one for project). Application for the program occurs during the fall semester of odd years. See graduate website for specific application deadlines.

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